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Our Members

Accounting Officer for Arden Multi Academy Trust is Martin Murphy

The following Members of Arden Multi Academy Trust served during the academic year 2023/24.

Members Date of Appointment Date of Re-election (if applicable) Date stepped down (if applicable)
Geoff Harley-Mason 1/4/2015 31/03/2019  
Celia O’Donovan 1/4/2015 31/03/2019  
Antony Stonehewer 9/10/2018    
Val Thomas 06/09/2021    

Members and Trustees are legally and ultimately accountable to the Secretary of State for Education for the performance and operation of AMAT.

MEMBERS have 3 key roles:

  • Decide the Memorandum and Articles of Association for the company which establishes the Multi-Academy Trust and subsequently approve any changes to them.

  • Appoint and remove Trustees

  • Hold Trustees to account for Trust Performance (including all academies within the MAT)

Members meet once a year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to receive audited accounts for the previous year, a report from the chair of the Trust and to consider any matters requiring member action.

  • Only two Members can also be a Trustee.

  • No employees can be Members.

Members form the group of ‘ultimate’ resort for the Secretary of State of Education to go to if the performance of the MAT is less than good and Trust Board is failing to bring about necessary improvements.

Pen Portraits of Members can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on Members photos below:

Dr Celia O’Donovan - Member and Trustee (Chair of Trustees)

 Dr Celia O’Donovan

Chair of AMAT and Vice-Chair of Governors at Arden (Community Governor). Dr O’Donovan has worked in education for over 25 years as a University lecturer, Chief Examiner (French), secondary school teacher and Nursery Inspector. She has been a sponsor governor at Park Hall Academy since 2009.

Dr O'Donovan has been a Parent Governor at Arden, a position she also held at Knowle Primary School until 2006. Her major skills are team working, team building, leadership and management training. She is currently Cambridge Inspector for Language-Literature, (Option International) French Baccalauréat. Her child attended Arden in the past.


Geoff Harley-Mason - Member and Trustee

 Geoff Harley-Mason

Vice chair of AMAT and Chair of Governors at Arden; a Community Governor and Chair of BSII, Admissions and Behaviour committees. Mr Harley-Mason is a youth work tutor and consultant previously having worked at Knowle Parish Church.

He has a degree in Economics and an MA in Theology & Youthwork. He has been running residential trips for young people both in the UK and abroad for over 20 years. His particular interest and experience is in taking young people on experiential visits to Africa.

He has involvement locally with an organisation working to promote understanding among young people from different religious backgrounds. Living in the community, he was previously an LEA governor and has three children all of whom are at, or have been, at Arden. Music, student welfare, wellbeing and progress and curriculum enrichment are areas of particular interest.


Mr. Tony Stonehewer - Member

 Mr. Tony Stonehewer

Mr Stonehewer was appointed as a Member of Arden Trust Board in October 2018.  He is an experienced Governor of the Arden LGB and Chairs the Teaching & Learning Committee.  He is a Chartered Engineer and both his sons attended Arden School now moving onto further education. He is involved in the local community through his roles within Explorer Scouts and rugby.


Val Thomas - Member

 Val Thomas

Val joined the AMAT board as a trustee in January 2017. She brings Corporate Banking experience to the Board, and her skill set includes Risk, Financial and Project Management. Val is currently an Education Sector Risk Specialist at Barclays Bank PLC and has a strong professional and personal interest in this sector.

An independent thinker , Val is delighted to have been invited to serve Arden Multi Academy Trust as both a resident of Knowle and a parent of two former Arden pupils.